Monday, January 13, 2014

Project: Overload

I haven't made a post since before Christmas. 

Time flies, and all that jazz. 

But I haven't been idle I swear.  With every little project I did I thought about posting it, what I would say, I even have pictures to prove it.  But...I didn't. 

I got hung up, swept away, and distracted by Christmas, New Years, potty training, laundry, star gazing, I stubbed my toe.....whatever the excuse may be.  lol. 

So instead of going back and writing a bunch of posts, I thought I'd just throw them all at you at once in a big jumble of pictures.  And with the best intentions of keeping this up to date and on time in the future!

Okay, here goes:

Decided my "coffee station" could use a little sprucing up!  Had some cork board lying around, and voila!

I've been making a lot of bread lately, experimenting with savory and sweet flavors!  

This one's cinnamon honey!

This one was really fun to make!  Shadow puppets as a Christmas present for my little neighbor boy! 
And for the neighbor girl:  Felt food for a tea set!  I have discovered a really, really fun new craft in using felt!  The toy options are endless!  Expect to see way more felt from me!  :)
Last but not least!  I really wasn't enjoying my dining room.  I painted that tree about a week after we moved in to this house on the main wall of the dining room, but it never really grew on me.  The paint color was a two toned light green.  All in all I needed something bolder.  I mixed a cup of unsanded ground to 1/2 gallon of paint, and turned it into an enormous chalkboard room!  Yep, you can use chalk on any of the paint (needless to say my 3 year old loves it in there now!)

So, there you have it.  (Most) of the things I've been working on over the past few weeks! 

I am always looking for something I can be painting, making, baking, what have you.  So that means there should be more to come soon!  Stay tuned!  :)


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