Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas traditions

I'm sitting here watching Emma play with all her new toys thinking this has been one blessed Christmas. As we start a new chapter in our lives the one thing that can stay the same is our traditions and that has become something very important for me. 
Emma will remember being in 10 different homes for Christmas but the thing that she will remember most is how we celebrated those Christmas. And not all Christmas will be the same since sometimes daddy wont be able to be here, but this year we are very blessed that he is able to be here and we took full advantage of that. 
So here are to the Carlisle traditions. 
Sister Emily helped me set up our Christmas village. Once a year we buy a new piece for the village. This year we bought a firehouse  (sorry for the blurry picture)
Watching It's A Wonderful Life is a tradition my mom and I had growing up and it's one that I carry on. 
We started a new tradition this year now that Emma is old enough to enjoy Christmas lights. We had so much fun driving around. 

Last year we started a tradition of Emma making an ornament. Emma loves the moon and stars this year so we made that our theme. 
Placing the moon in there was very hard. I took a q-tip and dabbed yellow in there then took glitter and mixed it with blue and we shook the bulbs to make the stars and galaxy. 
Of course we had to listen to Christmas music while doing our craft! 
Daddy started a new tradition that mommy enjoyed very much by making us Christmas Eve dinner. As long as he's home I hope this continues lol. 
Another Christmas Eve tradition that we carried on from my childhood was we get to open two presents. One was Christmas pajamas and the other was whatever we choose. You have to have cute pajamas for Christmas morning pictures!
And the last one I love that is my favorite was daddy putting Emma to bed reading her a Christmas book. This tradition is one that is very special to us and isn't taken for granted in this family. 
Merry Christmas!!!! 

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